

Komora soudních tlumočníků ČR®, Senovážné náměstí 978/23, 110 00 Prague 1 – CZ

tel.: +420 224 142 057 (answ.), +420 604 557 241 (Monday - Friday: 9.00 – 17.00)

e-mail:, ID No.: 65401697, data box: eazp826


Office hours:

Tuesday 9.00 – 13.00 and Friday 9.00 – 12.00

Secretary: Miroslava Černá, building D, 3rd flor, office No. 311


Bank contact:

Fees for events (seminars, courses etc.):
Account No.: 2104417790/2700, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s.
IBAN: CZ33 2700 0000 0021 0441 7790, SWIFT (BIC): BACXCZPP

Membership fees:
Account No.: 520228009/2700, UniCredit Bank Czech Republic, a. s.
IBAN: CZ46 2700 0000 0005 2022 8009, SWIFT (BIC): BACXCZPP

All bank transfers from abroad in EUR (any foreign country including Slovakia):

Acount No. 520228017 / 2700 - UniCredit Bank Czech Republic and Slovakia, a. s.

IBAN: CZ24 2700 0000 0005 2022 8017, SWIFT kód: BACXCZPP

Below you can find contacts of the members of the Board and Supervisory Board

Contact form

Board of Directors

Supervisory board

Substitutes for the Supervisory of Directors